As awkward as that performance may have been - it in no way compares to the World-historic BLUNDER of vaccinating the troops.

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Welcome the new meme... pushing out the out meme of Putin as the 5D grandmaster in favor of ....

Putin as the 'weak,' vacillating tool of the WEF etc., it's all on his head now - because -

it's too hard to look at the true reasons for the 'police action' debacle head on.

Whiplash... as the jock-sniffin former fanboys of the Kolonel switch over at "hypersonic speed" to his most trenchant critics! Look at that makeover, even Marko succumbs to the memetic frenzy of the moment... when calm analysis of the persistent nagging facts is what's more than ever called for!

Facts? What stinkin facts? Ukies failed to fold. NOT because(NATO, Nazis, Nuland, NWO or even Numbnuts in the WH) of all the excuses trotted out... but because the 'conflict' was scripted from the beginning, as a massive exercise in 'terraforming' the space prior to it's 'redevelopment' as a new UnHoly Land for the folks who control not just FINANCE world wide, but YOUR FUTURE.

Because all the 5D fools like Luongo & Faker just 'couldn't get enuff' of their own triumphalist barf - and had to continue to recycle it into the feed slots of their dumber than mud 'sub'-scribers... you have the same extremity of disappointment and forlorn bitterness which belongs to the spurned lover(of cartoonish memes)

And still that band plays on... attempting to drown out the noise of that terrible beast which slouches towards the dying empires of both 'east' and 'west.' Please Sir! Moar 'alt-media' pablum sir!

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One thing this military campaign shows is that modern war is not as good at killing people as other means, take a global vaccination and lockdown campaign. For example - in Russia alone, excess mortality in 2021 was 1,042,000 (highest number since WWII). In US, UK, EU, Israel and other highly vaccinated places excess mortality in the category of 18 to 49 years old is up on average by 40%. As for military losses, it looks like Russians lost 25 thousand vs. 100K of Ukrainian losses (I don't think that 400K loss on Ukrainian side is a realistic estimate) so from this point of view Putin is less murderous to Russians than Zelensky, but, as I mentioned above, he has other, way more efficient ways to work towards the goals of population reduction that make Zelensky look like a dilettante at this task with his 100 thousand killed Ukrainian men.

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Nov 27, 2022·edited Nov 27, 2022

Putin using old statistics indicates that he is out of touch due to DEMENTIA. Sure, not splitting Off East Ukraine in 2014 was a mistake, but not a disaster. Public officials in Moscow see this senility and are planning for the post-Putin future.

Time for the Duma and other public officials to press to turn the LEMON of the war into LEMONADE. Likely they will dig in, at some point a cease-fire. Russia won valuable, temperate waterfront property in places like Berdyansk. Make these spits into islands, plant cold-resistant palms, and build marinas and decorative lighthouses for the tourists.

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If Czar Vladimir is auditioning to become the latter-day Czar Nicholas II, then he is succeeding.

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Please unsubscribe me from this Putin hating production... you'd prefer Lenin or Stalin? There has been warfare since the beginning of time when Cain murdered Abel, since revolution of the fallen angels. At least this time we are fighting to expose their evil bloodline instead of getting conned to fight amongst ourselves, the only way war can ever be erased from mankinds future. Book of Enoch

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